Valentina Braçun


I’ve graduated from the Medical school in Zagreb, Croatia. Since I’ve moved to the Netherlands, I’ve worked at different clinical departments as a clinician, including cardiology and pulmology. That is how I got connected with prof. dr. Rudolf de Boer and prof. dr. Peter van der Meer and joined their team.

Contact details

Current activities

In the last 10 years there are more and more cancer patients, dying more frequently of other causes than cancer itself. One of the most serious complications of cancer treatment is cardio-vascular disease. My projects are both clinical and research oriented. On one side, through out Cardio-oncology outpatient clinic I am focused on prevention of cardio-vascular complications following cancer treatments. On another side, through my work as a researcher, I am interested in the effects that failing heart has on cancer.

My projects


Secreted factors in cardiac remodeling provoke tumorigenesis and end organ damage in heart failure

My publications

Troponins and natriuretic peptides to detect cardiotoxicity: useful biomarkers or paradise lost?

V Bracun, RA de Boer. Eur J Heart Fail 2020

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