Canxia Shi


I received my Bachelor’s Degree in 2015 at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jilin University, during which I won a National Scholarship for Encouragement and was chosen as Model Student of Self-reliance. I finished my master’s training in 2018 at the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Jilin University. I studied the potential mechanism of HDACIs’ protective function in rats with myocardial ischemia. During master’s period, I won the Annual Academic Scholarship every year and participated in publishing two articles. Now I am a PhD student in the group of prof. dr. Rudolf de Boer and my current research focuses on cardio-oncology.

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Cancer and cardiovascular disease share numerous common risk factors. We are trying to evaluate the effect of heart failure on cancer growth and explore the exact underlying mechanism based on cardio-specific secretory factors.

My projects


Secreted factors in cardiac remodeling provoke tumorigenesis and end organ damage in heart failure